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Malevolent Planet - Unity2D by Sugarmint 2023 [RareArchiveGames | Mind Control, Blackmail] (1000 MB)

Year: 2023 | Censorship: No | Developer RareArchiveGames | Language: English | Size: 1000 MB

Malevolent Planet - Unity2D by Sugarmint 2023 [RareArchiveGames | Mind Control, Blackmail] (1000 MB)

Online Game - Malevolent Planet - Unity2D by Sugarmint

Malevolent Planet is a text-based game made in Twine using SugarCubeYou play as a female adventurer who has always wanted to explore new lands and what better way to do that than explore a new planet? You are a scientist whose task is to investigate a new planet found at the outer edge of the Milky Way and together with your crew, you are on to that taskMany surprises await you now and in the future as well.Описание: Two new hairstyles have been added to the game and assets for the curvy bodytype have been drawn and integrated within the character creation screenNew clothes have been made, an academy uniform for the intro and other sequences, a college outfit that is only used for a scene so far, but might be used later.Описание: 11k words have been written so far, 7k more than the lastОписание: All crewmates' portraits have been drawn, among with portraits of other characters that are integral to the story and a few have already been coded in.Описание: Integrated a new dialog UI made by ChapelR.Описание: Finished the writing for the virus samples quest and the sample size has been greatly reduced, from 500 to 25 and you do not need to do any grinding so far, just progress through the story.Описание: Fixed (hopefully) the character screen that somehow covered the scroll bar and other buttons.


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